Mastering the Art of Makeup
Practice Makes Perfect!
We've all taken a peek at our favorite vloggers or stepped inside a beauty store and found ourselves in awe of the glamourous looks that stare back at us in the mirror. Whether it's a sultry smokey-eye or a bold red lip, we've all admired the makeup skills of others and wished we had the same ability to glam up our looks. But, the truth is, nobody is an expert at something until they put in the work and practice hard. The same applies to makeup. So, if you're looking to hone your skills and are wondering how to become better at doing your own makeup, you're at the right place. In this blog post, I'll give you some tips to step up your makeup game.
1. Turn up the music and play!
First and foremost, give yourself the freedom to experiment and play with makeup. Turn up the music and do your makeup in the privacy of your bathroom without any judgment. Try out a full face and every aspect of makeup until you achieve the desired results. Remember, the point isn't to create a flawless look the first time around. Instead, the goal is to learn from your mistakes and enjoy the process. Take pictures of your creations, share them with your friends, and learn to laugh at yourself. You'll be a pro in no time!
2. Wear Makeup every day.
The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you become with makeup. Challenge yourself to wear makeup every day, even when you have nowhere to go. At first, it might feel like your natural look is too much, but as time goes by, you'll start to get used to it. So, don't be afraid to push your limits and try out something new every day. Experiment with different shades, techniques, and tools, until you find your unique style that expresses who you are.
3. Take a makeup lesson.
If you're feeling overwhelmed about starting, consider taking a makeup class. In most cases, a makeup lesson will guide you through applying a full face and recommend products that match your skin tone, complexion, and preference. We recommend taking all your makeup supplies along with you; this way, you can fill in any gaps that you need and practice with your products. Don't know where to start? Well, you can book an in-person lesson or virtual lesson with me for a budget-friendly option.
4. Watch makeup tutorials.
Watch how-to makeup tutorials to bring inspiration and ideas into your practice. This is a practical way to learn new techniques and possibly discover a completely new style that you love! Make use of online platforms like YouTube and Instagram to find tutorials that suit your experience and needs. However, watch out for those who exaggerate beauty techniques - stick to tutorials that align with your natural habits and preferences.
5. Don't be Hard on Yourself.
Be kind to yourself, especially when things don't go as planned. Remember that learning new skills takes time, effort and patience. There will be times when your makeup doesn't come out the way you want it to, but it's crucial to avoid giving up. You may need to take a break and try again another day and create from a fresh point of view. Keep practicing, and you'll get better as time goes by!
In conclusion, practice truly does make perfect when it comes to makeup application. Don't be afraid to experiment, play, try new things, and learn from your mistakes. Don't forget to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and build on the skills you already have. Remember, practicing technique and being patient will help you become a pro in no time. The more you put yourself out there, the better you will become!