Nicole Fae

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Fitness Show Tanning Prep

We use a custom tanning solution that is made for your event and only your event. It is very unlikely that you have used this solution at past events, so please expect a slightly different experience. We do hundreds of tans for events and competitions and have been for a number of years. 

Your tanning appt will take about 20 mins. Please come a few mins early, so we can get started with you earlier to make sure that we stay on schedule. 

You will be sprayed with 3-4 layers of our custom solution. This tan DOES continue to develop for 8 hours, so you will be darker the next day. If you are not dark enough, we will have solution backstage to add another layer on Sat. 

Shower - Shave - Exfoliate

- Shower just before you come for your appointment. Remove all lotions and deoderant as it could cause your tan to change color....not in a good way!
- If you prefer to shave, your last shower before your tan would be a good time for this. It's recommended to remove everything (EVERYTHING!) so be sure to plan to have enough time. You may need someone to help you so bring a buddy!
- If you plan to get waxed, its recommended to do this at least a week before your tanning appointment. If you know how your skin reacts to a wax, you can choose to set your appointment closer to 48 hrs before your tanning appointment. We don't suggest that you take any risks this close to the event. 
- Exfoliate your skin several times before your tanning appointment to ensure that all your dead skin cells are gone and your newest healthiest skin at the surface. Your tan will apply more evenly and your the post event tan will fade a little more flawlessly. If you would like to preorder a travel size bottle of our South Seas Skincare scrub for $7.50 we will have it available at 12pm at the hotel on Oct 9th. Product will be added to your invoice to be paid at your tanning appointment later that day. 

**You can and should use lotion everyday leading up to your tanning appointment. You can start today! 

Go to the bathroom. 

-Don't we all know what could happen to your tan if there is a bathroom mishap? With that being said, take one last trip to the bathroom before heading in for your appointment. As luck would have it, there is a bathroom in the lobby next to the Bay Conference Room near reception that you can use right before! 
-It has been suggested to use a disposable funnel or snow cone cup (cut the end) when going #1 after your tan is applied to help avoid bathroom mishaps. 

-Ladies, after you have your tan, please do not hover over the seat when using the bathroom, Put down some TP on the toilet seat and sit. Hovering leads to dribbles down the leg. Its easier to fix a toilet seat print than a stream. 

Get Naked

- Rest assured we are going to try to make this as private as we can.
- As for what to wear in the appointment, I am afraid that for the most part everyone will have to be nude. I'm sure that this is expected by all, but we have been spraying clients for close to 12 years and tons of people think it's weird regardless! 
However, If you are wearing shorts for the competition you can wear a small pair of underwear and fold the band down to your discretion. 
- Wear flip flops to your appointment. If you want the bottoms of your feet to stay clean, wear your flip flops into the appointment. We recommend anything that can be rinsed off later. 


Loose dark clothing
- Wear very loose clothing that you can put on easily after your tan has dried. Clothing that can be damaged is preferable. Make sure you sleep in long sleeves and long pants, as touching skin to skin will cause marks.

You can also wear a robe. Sleep in an air conditioned room or with a fan to avoid excess sweating through the night.

Don't get wet
- After your tanning appointment please be sure to stay away from pools, hot tubs.
- Use a hand sanitizer instead of washing your hands. Your hands will either   get streaky or the color won't develop because it didn't have a chance to develop. 
- Do not shower until after the event is over!
- Do not do Dishes
- Wet or Sweaty, same difference! Schedule your last workout before your come for your tanning appointment. 

This tan is intended to be worn thru the night and thru the entire competition. Do not rinse off the solution until after the event is over. Do not apply anything other then posing oil to your tan just before you head out on stage. Lotions and deodorants will compromise your competition color. 


When the competition is over and you have rinsed off the bronzer, you will be left with a tan. A pretty dark tan, but much lighter then the competition color. If you want to keep this beautiful tan for as long as possible...Use a lotion everyday after the event will help keep your skin from becoming dry. People tend to itch their dry skin causing the tan to be scrapped off. Lotion will help your skin feel hydrated and allow your tan to fade flawlessly. Be sure to check out the list of ingredients : DO NOT USE a moisturizer with mineral oil as it will break down your tan which will look pretty bad rather quickly. A travel size bottle of the South Seas Skincare Moorea Moisturizing Lotion will be available for purchase at the host hotel for $7.50. You may also want to use the South Seas Tan Extender every 2-3 days to boost your tan slightly, as you are fading to also help with your tan stay even up to the end.

 If you wish to remove your tan completely use a scrub daily until your tan is gone. Again if you wish to preorder our travel size South Seas Skincare Body Polish for $7.50 we will have it available starting 12pm on Oct 9th at the hotel hotel.